Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I really wasn't sure what to call this post. All I could think was, "This 3-day weekend was just so eventful! So many things happened!" So, there you go.

For Valentine's Day, I woke up at 0530 for work to find our table covered in chocolates and roses for me. Ray definitely won points for surprise this year. At work we had a treats exchange so I made cupcakes with raspberry frosting, and I designed a cute little tag for each cupcake. Then in the evening we went to a church dance for all the adults. There were brief lessons before the dance floor opened up so we practiced our waltz and cha cha. It was so much fun! At one point we were the only ones on the dance floor so we had the time of our lives just tearing it up and pretending like we knew what we were doing. Good times :)

On Saturday we got to relax and catch up on some house cleaning. On Sunday we had the opportunity to drive my brother up near Frankfurt to our Stake Patriarch's home so that he could receive his patriarchal blessing. It was a truly beautiful, peaceful and memorable experience. I am so proud of my brother for deciding to attend church, search for his own answers, and then work to be able to receive his blessing. Ach, I won't get too mushy, but I was proud. This is Harrison after:

me and my brudder!

Two of the men I love most in the world!

On Monday I walked to the grocery store in an outfit that Ray said made me look like Dora the Explorer. No photographic evidence available. Then the missionaries in our ward came over to play board games with us and have Family Home Evening. I won 2 out of the 3 games we played, so yeah, the day pretty much rocked.

Today, Tuesday 18 February, 2014, my little, baby brother enlisted with the United States Army. I can't believe it happened. Again, so proud of him as he becomes a man. We got to be part of his swearing in, where he received his first coin that showed the Armor of God. It was really cool. He's off to basic training and then schooling, and then... who knows where?! I'm very excited for him as he starts this new adventure!

We took up practically the entire room at the recruiter's office. It was excellent :)

Sunday, February 2, 2014

1 Down 11 To Go...

Highlights of January 2014:

  • Ray accepted a calling as Assistant Scout Master/Assistant Deacons Quorum Advisor
  • Kailin accepted a calling as a Family History Consultant
  • We agreed upon and posted our 2014 Family Motto:

    Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
    Matthew 7:20

  • We found some ancestors who needed temple work done and reserved the ordinances via Family Search
  • Ray re-uploaded his Final Cut Pro software so he could start making videos again!
  • We hosted our first board game night with friends.
  • We got a brand new oven when our old one decided to stop working one day.
  • Kailin accomplished her monthly goal of indexing 500 names.
And drum roll please...
  • Germany still has not gotten any snow! Woo hoo!
It has been an absolutely fabulous start to 2014. I think this year is going to be one of the best of my life. And I can't wait.