Tuesday, March 1, 2016

2 Months

Ray and I just finished looking at these 2 month pictures and then comparing them to the 1 month pictures- we couldn't believe how much he's grown in one month! He has chunked up a lot and grown what seems like a foot. According to his check up this morning he is now 22 inches and 12 lbs. 4 oz.

Baby Boy is talking all the time these days. We can sit for 20 minutes straight with him just "oo-ing" and "ahh-ing". It's pretty much the cutest thing in the world. He still loves bath time but *hates* when it's time to get out. He has the cutest smile ever and graces us with it each time we pick him up from his naps. He also loves to smile when Ray and I are laughing with him- his own laugh should be on the way soon!

He doesn't nap too well during the day, but we finally had the night I've been waiting for: I fed him at 10, he woke up at 3 to eat, and then he woke up at 7 to eat and start our day. Only one feeding in the night! Here's hoping that continues, but I've already learned that as soon as you get used to something with a baby, it immediately changes. :|

Baby Boy and I go out on walks almost each day now that the weather is better. He loves riding in his stroller and sometimes that's the only way I can get him to nap. We've taken more car rides (short and long) and he always sleeps right through them. Over the weekend we took a day trip to SLC and spent the whole day downtown. Not a peep from him! When he wasn't sleeping or eating his eyes were wide open taking in the new sights.

He loves when Ray is whistling to him, he stares and smiles and coos the whole time. Whenever I sing to him he joins in with his babbling. He loves being the center of attention and will always let us know when he is not getting enough of it! It is definitely safe to say this little boy has us easily wrapped around his adorably chubby little fingers.