I am so behind the times. Nothing like an easy Sunday morning to catch up on your memories!
A few weeks ago, two of my dear sisters-in-law threw me a beautiful baby shower. It was absolutely beautiful, and we had so much fun! I don't know how I got so lucky with my in-laws, they are all the greatest. Here are some pictures that Ray's cousin took before everybody started showing up.
Maritza, Camilla and me. Thanks for the gorgeous shower, guys! |
My mom flew in from Denver and my Grandma was able to be there too. |
This was maybe my favorite shower game! Everyone wrote Ray and I late night diaper changing messages. Anything from advice, to encouragement, to "Toxic Waste" warnings of what awaits us inside those 3AM diapers! |

I'm having this baby in 8 weeks (so I was 30 weeks in this picture) and people are still way surprised when I tell them that. On the one hand it's nice to hear "you look great!" from people, on the other- it's just a reminder that I have a gigantic rib cage that provides plenty of space for this squirt to hide out in. Bitter-sweet.
We had a delicious lunch and played a couple really great games. Ray and I received some really nice, sweet gifts for Baby Boy- thank you so much to everyone who came!
Since then I've been organizing baby clothes, running endless loads of laundry (I can already tell that baby socks are going to be the bane of my existence), and trying to prep as much as humanly possible! I still have bags to pack, the nursery to set up, a car seat to buy. Yikes! There is still tons left to do. But this is the fun part, right?
This weekend Ray and I took an overnight vacation up in Park City. It was our Babymoon, our final stay away without any kids to look after or little ones at home to worry about with a sitter. We took complete advantage of just having us time. There was a great deal of snuggling and watching the Food Network (our all-time favorite). For dinner we went to a local Italian restaurant. Our hotel stay came with a $50 gift card to the restaurant, and the concierge also provided us with a two-for-one coupon. We got an appetizer, a decadent chocolate cake dessert and we each had a fabulous filet mignon. On Saturday morning we went slow. We went to Great Harvest Bread for breakfast where I had the best pancakes of my life (for reals) and then we went to the outlets to walk around a bit. There were so many cute baby clothes I wanted! But we're really pretty much set on clothes thanks to the hand-me-downs of Baby Boy's numerous cousins. Thanks guys!
In the next week we have two more baby showers- one from my friends and one from my co-workers. We feel so blessed to be back in Utah right now. I knew I couldn't have a baby without a strong support group and that's exactly what we have now that we are back. So many blessings!
Baby Boy is getting big enough to wreak a little more havoc on my system each time he moves, and I've definitely experienced Braxton Hicks contractions at this point. Things continue to go smoothly and as planned though, with my midwife reassuring me that these new aches and pains are just my welcoming to the 3rd Trimester.
I forgot between these things we had Halloween! It was really pretty uneventful. I know for myself I was just thinking to next year when we'd have a little boy to dress up and take to parties and it'd be a bit more fun to get into. This year we stayed home and handed out candy to a just a few trick or treaters. I ran to the store last minute and put together a Halloween themed dinner. We had Frankenstein Skin, Goblin Snot, and Zombie Guts with a Skeletal Dessert at the end. Any guesses as to what we ate? ...(Salad, zucchini soup, spaghetti and apple slices with caramel for dessert). We then watched Gremlins which neither of us had ever seen- turns out it's kind of another Christmas horror story- woops! We still had fun :)