Baby Kay just turned 6 months yesterday. I can't believe how quickly time has flown by. He has grown so much, and 6 months from now he will only have grown 10 fold more! By now, Kaymond is rolling in both directions, and sitting pretty much by himself- I stay close for the occasional dive he decides to make. He has also discovered his toes and his new favorite thing is to suck on them while he's in the tub. He doesn't have any teeth yet... sort of... he's definitely teething and there is the tiniest corner of a tooth sticking out- but it's on his upper gums way back on the side almost behind his canines it looks like! I still can't believe it's there, but every time I rub my finger over his gums, lo and behold! Teething has made him a drooly, fussy mess. But he's definitely still our happy baby.
He loves being "tossed" in the air- we never actually let him out of our hands, but it sends him into peals of screaming laughter. He also loves going under sheets and running his fingers and toes over the light material hanging above him. When we lift the sheet up and let it float back down onto him he just squirms and giggles like crazy.
He loves sleeping on his tummy now, which was scary at first ("back is best!" kept repeating in my head) but he is so much more comfortable that way and instantly started taking 2 or sometimes even 3 hour naps. Which means I finally have more time to take care of my responsibilities while he naps!
Since his birthday is a holiday, we imagine we'll probably be celebrating a lot of half-birthdays for him. We'll see what he wants to do. But this time I decided we'd do just a small half-party for him. We had a few friends and family over to grill and go swimming with us. We ate HALF hot dogs, in HALF buns, with grapes and carrots all cut in HALF, and we topped the evening off with a HALF cake. It was lots of fun, and a great excuse to get out into the lovely outdoors-which is another thing Kaymond loves.
Last but certainly not least- he sleeps through the night EVERY night! Yay!!!!
Kaymond loves his aunt!!! |
My Big Boy! Sitting up alone and wearing his first sunglasses. |
Couldn't get a smile until the girls showed up ;) |
All our half foods. On half the plate. |
Tiredly eyeing the cake. We've tried a little bit of solid foods, and so far he is not really enjoying the new textures. |
By the time cake got pulled out- he was exhausted- can you tell? I snapped a few pictures and then fed him and put him to bed and he was out like a light! A very full day for our little half-a-year old!
Lastly, this is my new favorite picture of Kaymond!!! I cut up two pool noodles and put them in the tub with him in an effort to keep him distracted and happy with something new to do! |