Because 7, 8, 9!
Haha, woops. I missed the last few monthly check-ins. The end of our summer and beginning of fall have been crazy busy for our family! And while many times I remembered I still needed to update the blog, it just never happened. I'm a firm believer in 'better late than never' though. So here I am.
At the end of July, into the first week of August our family got to go to Texas to visit Ray's brother and sister and their families. It was lots of fun to spend time with them and see our nephews there. Kaymond did really well on his first flight, and slept through each take off and landing. He always woke up about 20-30 minutes into the flight, simply because he wasn't used to being held during his naps- he really wanted to roll over! Kaymond turned 7 months while we were in Texas. The beginning of the downhill of his first year. Yikes!
When we flew back from Texas, I started work the next day. It was harder than I thought it would be to go back after my summer with my baby. But things have gotten much easier. During that first week of school, my mom flew out to stay with us and spend some quality time with her grandson. I was so glad that Kaymond got to spend time with his grandma! I also got to spend some time with my mom getting pedicures, facials and massages... come on back anytime you want Mom! ;)
In September, Kaymond turned 8 months old! The whole month just flew by. I'm still reeling that it is actually October now. September was a big month for Kaymond. He began crawling everywhere! It's still an army crawl, but don't let that fool you. He can get anywhere he wants in our apartment, faster than you expect every time. Kaymond also started feeding himself finger foods. He does not like us feeding him with a spoon anymore, we have to be really quick with the spoonful of purees or he will grab the spoon- and then good luck getting it back! We're still doing purees, because he's still missing his mouth about 50% of the time. :) Clean up is always a blast! Right now his favorite thing to eat is cantaloupe. Just tonight he ate 4 large chunks! Kaymond also cut his first 2 teeth in September. The bottom front teeth finally came through. He now loves grabbing our hands and biting our fingers before we remember there are teeth now!
That brings us to now. Today he had his 9 month well-check where he clocked in at the 67th percentile for weight, and 3.5 percentile for height. Still our short, fat little baby! The doctor said he is thriving, which is of course just what I wanted to hear :) Kaymond's independent personality is bubbling out more and more every day. The best example may be his binky: we are no longer allowed to put his binky in his mouth. If we do, he will spit it out, pick it up, and put it in on his own. Sheesh, what must our future hold with this child? We love him to pieces and are grateful every day he is ours!
Ooo, model baby. |
7 Months |
7 Months |
8 Months. So dramatic. |
I love all his many facial expressions. |
Annnnnndd... 8 months marked the awareness of "Hey, I can get this thing off of me!" |
By 9 months I couldn't even get him to leave the sticker on long enough to snap a picture. "I've got better things to do, Mom!" |
Our last resort- he used to be stuck if we sat him down. But now he's mastered transitioning from sitting to his tummy, so placing him on his bottom only buys us a few seconds before he is off again! |
I will forever love this picture. |
For the sake of having a picture of his 9 month old face, here is a picture of Kaymond preparing to devour the cheerios I'm about to put on his tray. |