Woo-hoo! A blog award nomination! Best. Day. Ever. ; )
Truly though, thanks Lauren, {Miller Memoires} for the nomination. You are too kind, and your blogging is a fun inspiration to me to keep up on my own.
Some Rules:
List 11 random facts about yourself
Answer the 11 questions
Nominate 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers
Comment on their page to let them know
Tag the person who nominated you in your post
List 11 random facts about yourself
Answer the 11 questions
Nominate 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers
Comment on their page to let them know
Tag the person who nominated you in your post
Of course, I'm going to have to modify slightly. I'm not that snazzy of a blogger yet. I (embarrassingly) can't even nominate 11 people because I don't even know that many people with blogs. The shame. I know.
11 Random Facts About Us
1. I grew up visiting family every summer in the same SD city that Ray grew up in. My aunt was even one of his seminary teachers. We just had to wait beyond those close encounters to actually meet.
2. Since moving to Europe, I've gotten Ray hooked on mineral water (carbonated water). Love it!
3. I can't sleep unless the covers are perfectly straight and preferably tucked in.
4. Ray can't sleep unless his covers are un-tucked; the state of the covers has no effect on him whatsoever.
5. The first thing Ray ever said to me was, "Wanna see what I have in my pocket?" (Be still my beating heart, right?) Haha, it was right after we'd gone through security at SLC Int'l Airport and he'd somehow managed to get a pocket knife through.
6. Ray proposed on New Years Eve at midnight with his grandma's ring. It was perfect.
7. I am a Disney movie quoting fiend. Ray usually rolls his eyes at my endless movie references.
8. Ray has the quickest wit I have ever encountered. Usually my head is left spinning in any quips we exchange.
9. Out of all climates, our favorite that we think we could live the rest our lives in is the desert.
10. Ray was captain of the tennis team, I was captain of the swim team. We're cool.
11. I could eat dessert all day, and Ray is always the one who suggests a salad. Go figure, huh?
Lauren's Questions:
1. What is a Special Talent you have or Stupid Human Trick you can do?
I can pinch people or pick things up with my toes- Ray can blow legitimate spit bubbles. Do we sound like hillbillies or what?
2. What motivates you to keep blogging?
We like cataloging our stories here to share with family, look back on for a laugh, and hopefully someday share with our kids.
3. What are you most passionate about?
We both agree: the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It has changed our lives and made us better people and continues to help us and encourage us to improve.
4. If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would it be?
Kailin: Queen Victoria
Ray: My grandchildren
5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Who knows? But maybe back in the states with a family on our minds.
6. Dream travel destination?
Kailin: an African Safari
Ray: an Inhabited Alien World
7. Favourite foreign food?
Kailin: Italian pasta or Japanese curry.
Ray: Sushi
8. What are you inspired by?
Kailin: People.
Ray: The future.
9. What's your favourite hobby?
Kailin: Not that I'm good at it or have money/time for it, but when I do, I really enjoy crocheting.
Ray: Board games.
10. Favourite beverage?
Kailin: Water or Dongua Cha
Ray: Root Beer
11. If money was no object, what would you do everyday?
Kailin: I would get a massage every morning, then wash my hair with the best shampoo/conditioner ever, and then have someone else do my hair and makeup for me. Because I'm that lazy.
Ray: Eat out at fancy restaurants each and every meal!
So there you have it! That was informative, wasn't it? :) Aside- I just looked up 'Liebster' which actually means 'Dearest' in German. I like that I'm in Germany writing for a German blog nomination, kind of fun.
10. Ray was captain of the tennis team, I was captain of the swim team. We're cool.
11. I could eat dessert all day, and Ray is always the one who suggests a salad. Go figure, huh?
Lauren's Questions:
1. What is a Special Talent you have or Stupid Human Trick you can do?
I can pinch people or pick things up with my toes- Ray can blow legitimate spit bubbles. Do we sound like hillbillies or what?
2. What motivates you to keep blogging?
We like cataloging our stories here to share with family, look back on for a laugh, and hopefully someday share with our kids.
3. What are you most passionate about?
We both agree: the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It has changed our lives and made us better people and continues to help us and encourage us to improve.
4. If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would it be?
Kailin: Queen Victoria
Ray: My grandchildren
5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Who knows? But maybe back in the states with a family on our minds.
6. Dream travel destination?
Kailin: an African Safari
Ray: an Inhabited Alien World
7. Favourite foreign food?
Kailin: Italian pasta or Japanese curry.
Ray: Sushi
8. What are you inspired by?
Kailin: People.
Ray: The future.
9. What's your favourite hobby?
Kailin: Not that I'm good at it or have money/time for it, but when I do, I really enjoy crocheting.
Ray: Board games.
10. Favourite beverage?
Kailin: Water or Dongua Cha
Ray: Root Beer
11. If money was no object, what would you do everyday?
Kailin: I would get a massage every morning, then wash my hair with the best shampoo/conditioner ever, and then have someone else do my hair and makeup for me. Because I'm that lazy.
Ray: Eat out at fancy restaurants each and every meal!
So there you have it! That was informative, wasn't it? :) Aside- I just looked up 'Liebster' which actually means 'Dearest' in German. I like that I'm in Germany writing for a German blog nomination, kind of fun.
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