Well, I at least made it almost halfway through the year doing my resolution of a post a week. Oh well! Here are a few things we've been up to lately.
I learned how to peel spargle (white asparagus, that has a woody outer layer you peel before cooking). It was fun, entertaining and delicious!
We bought another car. This was a huge decision that we deliberated over for nearly a month. Forest had been having some issues (namely his engine falling out on the road), so we decided to just take the plunge and become a two car family. We kept Forest around because we had a transmission/engine warranty from the dealer, so all repairs were free. He's all fixed up and I still get to drive an automatic :) Ray drives our new Opel Agila, which is a fabulously bright blue... inside and out! We love this little car, it's super fun and so far is running perfectly (fingers crossed!) We just need help deciding a name, so feel free to give us your input. It's between Rolph, Jenny and Dussel. The choice is yours.
Our ward split, and with that came new callings. Ray has been called as the deacon's assistant leader and the Scout Master. He's really looking forward to working with the scouts and young men, especially all the camp outs he'll get to do with them! Ray is an Eagle Scout and is going to be such a great example and influence to these boys.
I'm interviewing for a new position at work. I have already been made a closing supervisor, and I got employee of the month in my first 3 weeks. This new post would put me in a higher leadership position where I would help run the entire facility. Everything from organizing daily schedules, field trip supervision, running meetings, and of course child care. I'm nervous for the responsibility increase, especially since it's all happening so quickly, but I hope that if all goes well, I will be able to rise to the occasion and it will help me in the long run.
It never seams to stop raining here, and I'm floored by the amount of greenery. My mom informed me we're at about the same latitude as Seattle, so I guess the rain and greenness of it all makes sense. It's something new. I miss my desert.
With two cars, jobs, and our own mini fridge, we've finally settled into a groove and this feels like home. I can even get to the house if I miss my normal exit off the autobahn. That's usually my test to see if I have become one with a new place :) As I think about our new jobs, it dawns on me that we are actually going to be able to make our 1 year goal a reality. For a while I didn't know if we could do it. I'm so happy we are though- it lends a lot more stability to my mind as I try to process more of the hiccups of "settling in" somewhere.
That's really all for now. Our next plans are Memorial Day weekend- trying to figure out what to do on our first 3 day weekend in a long time!
Congrats on your promotion and your new car!