Wednesday, July 15, 2015

On Being Pregnant

Humans are naturally curious. Sometimes morbidly so. And never so much as when a woman is pregnant. This I have come to learn first hand. I don't mind so much, it's all kind of funny. For my own keepsakes and for anyone else who has these questions nagging at them, I thought I would dedicate a post to some of my early pregnancy experiences.

**Disclaimer: This is about pregnancy. If you're not okay with puke stories, just move on to a new webpage. :)

I found out I was pregnant right around 4 weeks. And I totally didn't believe it at first. I felt absolutely no different. Well okay, that's a lie. I was noticing I needed a nap everyday come 4 in the afternoon. But I just figured I was indulging my lazy side.

Turns out though, right around 7 weeks baby wanted to let me know he or she was really there! Nausea started kicking in big time. Afternoons were actually worse for me. Mornings I felt fine, as long as I could sleep until 10:30 or so... and still take a nap around 4.... It's been a huge blessing to be here in SD where I really have been able to just relax.

Then the real fun started! Every time I got in the car as a passenger- I threw up! Lucky me, the first time this happened my sister-in-law and I had just returned from a shopping expedition and stopped for lunch at the Corner Bakery Cafe. As we exited the car I really thought I wasn't going to make it to the front door. I was eyeing bushes the whole walk up wondering how long it would take to get over the embarrassment of losing it right there.

Fortunately I made it inside and to the bathroom. Where I immediately lost it right into the porcelain throne. When I was finally able to draw a breath, I realized there was someone else in the bathroom! Ugh, and we had a conversation. It went thusly:

Kind Stranger: Um... are you okay in there?

Me: Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you.

KS: Okay... Do you need some water or something?

Me: Oh no. I just... Pregnancy sucks.

KS: Oh you poor thing!

And then she finally walked out allowing me to finish up and collect myself before I rejoined the world and tried to think about eating lunch. Barf. Literally.

The next time my SIL and I ventured out, we went to the beach. At this point, I was still thinking that first time was a fluke, so I rode passenger again. I made it there in one piece. But on the way home was a totally different story. We made it about a mile from our homes when I started having to take deep breaths and hold very still-trying to will the monster back to depths it was trying to surface from. My SIL picked up on my rigid sitting position and asked if I was okay.

"Nope. You better pull the car over."

Which she thankfully did and I exited as quickly as possible. I told her and our friend they should just continue home, I would walk from there. They drove off and I really thought it could pass with some deep breaths of fresh air. As soon as her car was out of sight though, I had no choice: I turned to the succulent plants lining the hill to my right and did my part to help California in their drought situation. I'm sure many a passerby on the busy road appreciated my show of true California dedication... I am just sure. I made it through the walk home unscathed, but feeling awful.

I finally picked up that cars weren't going to be my friend for a while. Even the elevator ride to our 4th floor apartment sent me into a bout of nausea. I was able to correct the car problem though by just becoming the Designated Driver for the rest of my first trimester. I am very pleased to report that while in Utah last week I tested riding passenger again with great success. But just in case, I invested in some lovely barf bags that I carry with me now in preparation for anything else this kid tosses at me.

Alright, on to second trimester! Woo hoo! Feeling so much better these days. The only thing to note is an insane amount of the "feels". As in: I cry all the freaking time. At the dumbest things. So far my favorite cry story happened just a few nights ago. I decided to watch a movie while I was waiting for dinner to finish and for Ray to get home. It was an alright movie, deeply scientifically flawed, but with an interesting enough plot. Enough to have me sobbing my eyes out for at least half of it.

When Ray got home our conversation sounded something like this:

Ray: Hi honey! I'm h- why are your eyes all red? Have you been crying?

Me: *through poorly muffled sobs* Y-yessss. I'm watching a movie, a-and...

-at this point Ray is walking to me to try to provide some sort of comfort-

Me: *continuing pathetic sobs* her dog died, and she's all ALONE!

-and now is the time I completely break down into inconsolable hysterics-

Ah yes, my finer moments. Ray was holding back some giggles, and even I was aware I was being ridiculous. I don't even like dogs. Somewhere my sobs turned to laughs and then they'd switch back to cries about the poor heroine who sat alone in her dog-less apartment.

The same pattern followed the next few nights. None quite as bad as that first. I'm tending to be a little more selective of the stories I read and the movies I watch. Even the topics of conversation I breach with people. Nothing says "Please be my friend" like sobbing while talking about how beautiful green grass and brown dirt is. Yup. This is my life now.

On to FAQ's!

Yes we want to find out the gender. That will be happening next month.

No we don't want a boy or girl one more than the other. I'm just so proud of this little life growing inside of me. Every ultrasound we go to it bounces and performs and poses in all the ways the tech asks for. One tech even gave it her "favorite baby of the day" award. Totally my kid, performing and people pleasing all the way. So boy or girl, we already love it like crazy.

          *We interrupt these FAQ's for my favorite story!* At our first ultrasound I was lying on the table, and the screen was facing away from me. I obviously couldn't see, so I just watched Ray's face. I knew the instant he saw the baby. His face immediately dissolved into a look of pure adoration and his arms instinctively drew up like he was cradling an infant. He tried to be tough, but this babe already has daddy wrapped around their tiny finger.

Back to FAQ's...

Yes, I did have cravings. They've tapered off since I entered my second trimester. During the first, I craved pizza and french fries. Also lots of tomato sauce. And cheese and eggs. Nothing sweet.

Yes we have names picked out. But they aren't 100% solid so I don't feel like sharing them here yet.

And for the benefit of all who care: I officially have one pair of pants left that fit.

Today was 16 weeks! Oh boy (or girl)!!!

Not the greatest quality- but this is at about 12.5 weeks. You can see the baby's hand up with its thumb pointing down. It kept opening and closing its mouth trying to suck its thumb. It was pretty much adorable. 

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