Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Day(s) We Became Three

He is here! I've been slow getting this up, because quite honestly- my baby is just too cute to spend time on anything other than him. So, sorry not sorry?

Right though? I think I've made my point. 
Baby Kaymond was born on January 1, 2016 at 12:31 AM. He weighed 7 lbs 14 oz and was 19 inches long. He was and is the model of a perfectly healthy little baby- for which we are so grateful!

His name came from combining our own names: Raymond with a 'K' for Kailin. It took us the first full day at the hospital to finally decide on that name, but we're so happy now that we did. It just fits him perfectly.

At 8 o'clock on the 31st, I finally insisted we go to the hospital. I called my midwife again and let her know we were on our way there. I couldn't easily walk or talk through the contractions at this point.

I was worried they were going to turn me away at this point when we got to the hospital because my water hadn't broken. They got me into a room and were all pleasant about getting me comfy and set up. Then one nurse finally checked me to see how I was dilating- 8 cm! Suddenly they kicked into gear and quickly got me hooked up to an IV and called my midwife to hurry up a little. My midwife got there around 8:45 (she got a flat tire on the way there!) and I had already had my epidural (hallelujah!) even though the nurses told me I'd probably be fine without one. Haha, still makes me laugh. I don't think I've ever been more comfortable than when that finally kicked in and I had a warm blanket over me... *sigh*

Labor progressed easily from then on and the only question was whether we'd have a 2015 or a 2016 baby. At 11:35 I started pushing, and by 12:31 he was here. Our perfect little man. Everything said and done, it was mostly painless and a great experience. I had 5 minutes left of epidural medication when he arrived so the timing worked out perfectly. :)

He was the first baby of 2016 at our hospital, and he got royally spoiled because of it. While I was still on the delivery table doing skin-to-skin, the L&D nurses brought in a huge bouquet of flowers for me, a big balloon for him, and a giant gift basket full of clothes, blankets and other cute baby items. Then when we got to the Mother & Baby floor his first nurse crocheted him an adorable snowman hat. When our first shift of nurses was about to leave they brought us another huge gift basket full of clothes, blankets and fun stuff. On top of all of it, my midwife gave us a blanket she made him- he loves it!

Ever since then we've just been soaking up the goodness that is our new baby. Now the important stuff- pictures!!!

Dad holding Baby Boy for the first time.

Being wheeled down to Mom & Baby

We made it home!

Kaymond loves spending time playing with Daddy

Thanks for visiting Uncle Dan & Aunt Camilla!

Welcome New Year's Baby 2016!

Little snowman cap 
Getting ready to leave the hospital.

Thanks for visiting Grandma & Grandpa!

We love our bundle. We especially love that he was born on New Years. It perfectly upholds our tradition of having big events happen on NYE.
2010/11- Ray and I got engaged
2011/12- We spent in Disneyland
2012/13- We partied in Taipei, Taiwan
2013/14- We played in London, England
2014/15- We enjoyed our home town in Germany
2015/16- We welcomed the newest, cutest member of our Family of Three!


  1. His lips are so cute! Congratulations, I'm glad he's here finally! :D

  2. Congratulations Kailin and Ray! He's the cutest :) Being a parent is the most amazing experience, and little boys are so much fun.
