4 Months Old!!!
Life with Baby Boy just keeps getting better and better. Just in the last month alone he has made huge leaps and bounds in development. Right now he weighs a whopping 16 lbs. 5.5 oz, but is only 24 inches long! That puts him in the 71st percentile for weight, and the 9th for height :P lol!
Kaymond loves to laugh when we play peek-a-boo or tickle his tummy. He is extremely talkative and is constantly blowing raspberries at us. His teeth are moving around (not poking through yet!) which means extra slobber all over his little fingers all the time.
He isn't sleeping through the night yet, still waking once to eat. But just once isn't so bad!
We love looking at his little toes. They're so chubby! Ray describes them as little piggies stuck onto his feet with toothpicks. He's got rolls on his wrists, elbows, tummy, legs... everywhere!
Kaymond is starting to play with toys really well. He has a rattle boy that he loves holding and trying to chew. He also has his activity gym that he can reach up and grab at those toys. He is fascinated by hands and will grab our thumb and pinky if we hold our hand in front of him. He then stares and stares at it! My favorite is when he does what I call the "Tarzan hands." He'll put his tiny little hand up against mine when I hold it up and then hold it there. It's adorable :)
I think he looks just like Ray. Kailin, you're a wonderful mother! Fat babies are the best :)