Tuesday, December 6, 2016

11 Months

Can we just start with... holy Hannah how is my baby almost a year?!

Glad we took care of that.

At 11 months, Kaymond still has 2 teeth, still weighs 20 pounds, but has grown probably 2 inches. I think he is still short for his age, but maybe he is catching up?

He loves walking with our help more than anything. He can walk with his walker, but we still have to follow and steer for him, so usually we just give him our hands. We've started having him try with us only holding his tummy. It usually ends with him falling forward, us catching him, and him in peels of laughter. Everything is a game, until you stop or take something away- then he grunts and screams his frustrations at you... until the next game starts!

He has become much more expressive with his face. Just the other night during dinner, he started being goofy and making faces then blowing raspberries at me while I was trying to feed him.

Although they aren't perfect, Kaymond also has about 5 words he tries to say. Mama, Dada, Hi, baba (bottle), nana (banana). They come out when he sees us, or the object, or sometimes he likes to wave and say hi to his cute reflection in the sliding glass door.

We can't wait to celebrate Christmas with our little man. So far he loves looking at the tree, but doesn't like touching the pokey branches.

Ray is doing amazing things with Build Up, and having tremendous success. Every new event he takes it to brings more opportunity. We're so grateful for this exciting journey!

That's all for now. The next few weeks will be full of fun for our little family!

Popeye face!

Rays grandma made this sweater for him when he was a baby.

Working on sharing.

He does have a neck!

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