Sunday, April 15, 2018

Baby Girl is 1 Month

So as I write this, Diana is actually 6, almost 7 weeks old. But we really did celebrate her 1 month! Her one month mark was actually my 28th birthday on the 28th of March. Diana was also born on the 28th (of February). I am 28, and my mom was 28 when she had me. 28 is just my number :)

At one month Diana is still running the show. She loves to be held and walked around the house. She does not tolerate being put down for tummy time or under her playmat for very long. Her napping and eating schedule is still all over the place, but fortunately she is a marvelous night time sleeper. I feed her around 10 and then go to bed, and she usually wakes for 2 night feedings before we start our day around 7:30 or 8. Nursing has been a bit more of a challenge this time around, but we are slowly working things out together and developing more trust in this mother-daughter relationship. It still blows my mind that I have a little girl. While she definitely has some Ray-like traits, she is certainly my daughter. My baby pictures look almost identical to the sweet little angel we hold today. It's amazing!

Ray's awesomely talented cousin took these pictures for us just in time to work for Diana's one month pictures. I am in love!

1 comment:

  1. It's impossible not to fall in love with her! What a sweetheart! I can't wait to get to hold her and talk to her.
