Sunday, March 10, 2013

Happy Birthday to Ray!

Quick story- I just went to Google Translate to try and find out what 'happy birthday' is in German. As it turns out, Google says Germans say "Happy Birthday" when they wish someone a felicitous day of entry into this world. That's one phrase less I have to learn in German.

Anyway, it was Ray's birthday! The old man is now closer to 30 than he is 20. I like the few weeks between our birthdays because he always seems so old to me and it makes me laugh. For some reason, the difference between 22 and 26 is phenomenally larger than 23 and 26. Wouldn't you agree?

We celebrated with Ray's favorite (as I suspect we will for years to come): spaghetti with meat sauce, and banana cream pie. I used the same pie recipe as I did last year which worked well... last time. For some reason this year it turned out more a banana cream soup than pudding. We're gonna blame Germany for that one. It tasted good all the same though.

If you didn't already know, Ray is rather difficult to buy gifts for. But I feel I can proudly say that it only took me three birthdays and two Christmases to get him a gift he was really, truly happy to receive. This year we took the board game approach. He got: SET, Power Grid, First Sparks (from his padre), and Puerto Rico (from my parentals). We've had lots of fun challenging each other and my mom and stepdad at SET, and we're looking forward to sitting down to an intense Power Grid session.

Here are the best pictures of the evening. Don't mind how haggard I look. I spent last week in a WSI (Water Safety Instructor) course where I had to 'relearn' how to swim in order to prove I could actually teach kids how to swim. It was hard not to feel like it was wasting my time, but I did it, and I am now Red Cross certified. Woot.

Banana Soup- woops!

I think Ray was about to sneeze when I snapped this. Priceless. The birthday boy at his finest.

Look how happy (and adorable) he is. He's holding a paper of Puerto Rico since shipping takes a while to get here, so we're actually still waiting on that one.

Everybody partied. Even Sheba.

Happy birthday to my husband. I love that old fart ; )


  1. Yes, he is an old fart now. ;-) Happy Birthday Ray!!!

  2. Happy Birthday Ray! Kailin, what about that primary song Feliz Cumpleanos? Doesn't the second line go "Something something something--in german it means the same!" ?
    Glad you had fun partying.
